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Columbia Union Revolving Fund
Important Ministry Update
Our Office Is Temporarily Remote/ New Mailing Address

Our office is currently remote temporarily, due to a renovation project starting at the Columbia Union. Please note our mailing address has been changed. Click here to learn more about how this may impact you here.

Offering Circular

Offering Circular Download

If you are already a Noteholder and have an account with CURF, you can obtain a copy of CURF's Offering Circular below. If you are not already a Noteholder, you must visit the "Become A Noteholder" page.

Qualified Offerees

We offer the Notes exclusively to “Qualified Offerees.” You are a Qualified Offeree if you are:

  • An individual who resides in the Columbia Union territory (Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia or West Virginia) and hold membership in the Seventh-day Adventist Church; or
  • An organization affiliated with the Seventh-day Adventist denomination located in the Columbia Union territory.
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Please click on the following box to confirm you are a Qualified Offeree:
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Electronic Delivery of Offering Documents

If you would like to access the Note Offering Documents online rather than receive a copy in the mail, you must provide your informed consent to receive electronic delivery by reviewing the following “Consent to Receive Electronic Offering Documents” and check the “I ACCEPT” box that follows:

Consent to Receive Electronic Offering Documents

Please carefully review this Consent to Receive Electronic Offering Documents (“Consent”). If you have reviewed the terms herein and consent to receive our Offering Documents electronically, please click the “I ACCEPT” box where prompted below.

Why CURF is asking for your consent? We desire to use e-mail or other electronic communication, including via our website, to communicate with you during our Note Offering, primarily to send you the Offering Documents related to our Note Offering. The “Offering Documents” consist of the Offering Circular describing the Note Offering, the Subscription Agreement allowing you to complete your purchase of the promissory notes, and Quarterly Statements detailing your account with us. If you prefer to receive the Offering Documents electronically, then we will send them to you via email or on our website. We will provide advance notice to you when we do so. In order to provide the Offering Documents electronically, we must first obtain your informed consent to using e-mail for this purpose and providing the Offering Circular on our website. These provisions that follow will provide you the necessary information to evaluate whether you should grant your consent and the means to grant your consent should you elect to do so. You should retain a copy of all electronic documents we provide to you, including this Consent, for your future reference.

Your consent is optional, and you may still participate in the Note Offering and receive paper copies of the Offering Documents if you withhold your consent. If you want to receive the Offering Documents electronically, then check “I ACCEPT” box where prompted on our website. You will be giving us your informed consent and agreeing to receive the Offering Documents by e-mail and agreeing to receive the Offering Circular on our website. You must provide us with an accurate e-mail address and contact information and update CURF promptly of any changes in this information by contacting us at or 410.715.0328. Also, we are required to notify you that there may be costs associated with the use of email and visiting our website such as your costs associated with your internet access or online time. CURF will not impose any additional charges for proving the Offering Documents electronically.

What documents will you receive electronically? You will receive all documents related to the Note Offering by email or on our website, including, the Offering Circular and its related exhibits and other attachments, the Subscription Agreement, and your Quarterly Statements. We may, in our sole discretion, provide you with any document on paper, even if you have authorized e-mail delivery. There may be situations where CURF is required to provide you, and you are required to provide CURF, written notice. Those situations are explained in the Offering Circular. In those situations, notice must continue to be made by regular mail – not by e-mail.

To receive the Offering Documents electronically, you will need an e-mail account, access to a computer with an operating system and internet access capable of sending and receiving e-mails and downloading files delivered through the internet. All electronic documents you receive will be delivered as a portable data format file (.pdf) attached to an e-mail sent to you or posted to our website. To access and view .pdf attachments, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, you can download the necessary software free at any time at You agree to notify us immediately if you receive any document or information that appears to be in error or not intended for you.

Withdrawing your consent. You may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us at or 410.715.0328. Your consent will continue indefinitely until you withdraw your consent. Your withdrawal will be effective on our next correspondence to you.

Security and privacy information. As with any form of communication, there is a risk of mis-delivery or interception with e-mail. You should not include any sensitive, personal or other private information in any e-mail communication you send to CURF. To that end, subscribers should NOT send Subscription Agreements to us via e-mail. Please refer to our website for instructions on how to send us your completed Subscription Agreement. CURF’s privacy policy applies to any information we receive from you. You can view our privacy policy at

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Please click on the following box to consent to receive the Note Offering Documents online.

Legal Disclaimer

CURF is a non-profit organization. Our Notes are not bank savings deposits and are not guaranteed by, insured or otherwise regulated by the FDIC or any other governmental agency.

This website does not constitute an offer to sell, nor a solicitation of an offer to buy, an investment nor a recommendation of any investment or any other product or service by CURF regardless of whether such investment, product or service is referenced in this website. CURF will offer and sell its securities only in states where authorized by law to do so. CURF’s offer to sell investments or securities is made solely by CURF's Offering Circular. No one should consider any investment in CURF other than after careful review of the Offering Circular.

Note: The clarity of text in the document you download may be affected by the size of the screen on which it is displayed.