CURF helps more than 300 Adventist entities in the Columbia Union grow their ministry every year.
CURF partners with established advisors to manage your investment.
We look at current market interest rates and price our rates competitively.
CURF is affiliated with the Seventh-day Adventist denomination and all CURF employees are Adventist.
The CURF application process is faster than that of banks or lenders.
CURF works with you to understand your needs and help make your ministry dreams reality.
Our church had the opportunity to take advantage of a CURF loan after horrific winds relocated our church roof all over the road! A loan from CURF enabled us to have our roof repaired immediately and resume church activities.
Columbia Union Conference
Throughout my ministry in the Columbia Union, I have found that my churches can depend on CURF for our financing needs. We wouldn't go anywhere else.
Chesapeake Conference
When our church was looking for a place to save, the first thing that came to mind was CURF, because investing with CURF supports Adventist churches and other entities in the Columbia Union.
Allegheny East Conference
Approximate Growth From
Columbia Union Revolving Fund
$136,000,000in loans supplied to ministries
1,300Adventist Church members and entities invested with CURF
285Adventist entities currently assisted in their ministry